Remember this thread when I hosp you next week Jesus crazy son of a cornholer
Mock, post every time he bites off.
(2010.Apr.24 10:02 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Mock, post every time he bites off.
+1 and make sure you mail him everytime he bites off. "Mock"ing him. BAM!
Ill Post Every time I hosp him cheer leading Mock lovers
(2010.Apr.24 10:13 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]Ill Post Every time I hosp him cheer leading Mock lovers
Well no one will care about this thread in a year.
You are right dawg, nobody cares. Sorry for my E-titude
The mail thing is a good idea though.
(2010.Apr.24 05:16 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.24 02:58 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]Funny, I tried this a few times while being hunted in a big arse hosp war ! Yeah chicken shat
ID Name Level Minutes Reason Bail/Bust 36272 ^OB^ demonsclaw 11 1314 course with Bubba! Bust demonsclaw course with Bubba
Watch what you say about my gang.
gang 4 sale
President demonsclaw
It seems to be a gang of one...
people that do the refresh bs should serve the full time and be moved to fed until they get down to 1200 minutes
(2010.Apr.24 10:23 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]E-titude
Really? You just said that?