We have the bioplex logger that tells us how many Dev. points we get per day.
How hard would it be to create an Exp. logger?
When i'm lvling i can never remember from day to day where i started and finished. I think this would be immensely useful for everyone.
I am braindead don't know what u are talking about
Interesting but Zen would know how hard it would be. I would run it by her.
It would come in handy to a point.
would definitely be useful for leveling
(2010.Apr.13 10:27 PM)tortoise50 Wrote: [ -> ]I am braindead don't know what u are talking about
I think she is meaning we have the bio logs which give us our dev. points we make each day, so guessing of seeing if Zen would make a log of the daily/monthly exper. we make each day.
(2010.Apr.13 10:40 PM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.13 10:27 PM)tortoise50 Wrote: [ -> ]I am braindead don't know what u are talking about
I think she is meaning we have the bio logs which give us our dev. points we make each day, so guessing of seeing if Zen would make a log of the daily/monthly exper. we make each day.
Ty Breeze... but I thought I said that LOL

(2010.Apr.13 10:12 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]We have the bioplex logger that tells us how many Dev. points we get per day.
How hard would it be to create an Exp. logger?
When i'm lvling i can never remember from day to day where i started and finished. I think this would be immensely useful for everyone.
Have breakdowns for it too, EXP gained from Crimes, attacks, and careers.
pretty stupid idea if you ask me.
maybe you outta spend more time thinking up better suggestions and less time worrying about what i'm wearing, howl.
Im not wearing anything at all!