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Thanks bro but it's all good.......because most folk who meet me face to face are not looking at my feet.....mostly at my head.....and their head is tilted
(2010.Apr.14 07:03 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.14 06:22 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.14 03:42 AM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.13 05:03 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]I attacked and he attacked and we both won....

Attack Type Berserk Rage
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 31
Experience Points Earned 0.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 167
Attack Time Apr 13 2010 - 6:00:51 pm
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Apr 13 2010 - 6:00:51 pm

Combatants FirstBlood BrianAdams
Level During Fight 50 48
Starting Health 2275 Good
Hits 10 9
Best Hit 525 277
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 1,379 2,636
Total Damage Resisted 610 529
Total Damage Taken 769 2,107
Damage Received Per Hit 153.22 263.60
Damage Resisted Per Hit 67.78 52.90
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 85.44 210.70

Attack Type Hospitalization
Attack Result Loss
Total Combat Rounds 33
Experience Points Earned 0.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 101
Attack Time Apr 13 2010 - 6:00:51 pm
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Apr 13 2010 - 6:00:48 pm

Combatants FirstBlood BrianAdams
Level During Fight 50 48
Starting Health 2275 Good
Hits 9 13
Best Hit 376 867
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 3,436 1,865
Total Damage Resisted 1,097 403
Total Damage Taken 2,339 1,462
Damage Received Per Hit 264.31 207.22
Damage Resisted Per Hit 84.38 44.78
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 179.92 162.44

We are both in hosp, we both won/lost hahahahaha

This is obviously an attempt by the the politically correct to allow all the special people to win...........

Now you are just trying too hard.

Is it socks with sandals time again? XD

Did you really just have a go at someone for their appearance..?? My god..!!
Have you not heard that people in glass house's should not throw stones..??
Wraith can take sock and sandals of, your stuck with ugly.

You know, some people can bust another person's chops and have a laugh over it, mostly because the person I direct something at knows I mean nothing by it.

@ wraith - true but I have the same issue Brain Hastings has on 24...
You know inpace. I want to be the ambassador of kick your assitor
(2010.Apr.15 01:14 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]You know inpace. I want to be the ambassador of kick your assitor

The Ambassador AND President? You can do that??
Dingus does all. (no homo)
(2010.Apr.15 04:04 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Dingus does all.
(2010.Apr.15 04:14 PM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.15 04:04 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Dingus does all.

(2010.Apr.15 04:22 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.15 04:14 PM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.15 04:04 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Dingus does all.


Yea. What ForumQueen said.
(2010.Apr.15 04:04 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Dingus does all. (no homo)

mainly homo..
I like to keep my options open. This leads to plenty of choices om a friday night
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