I aint running fat boy. I pwn your face as always. Better beef up or level up. Spend some cash on endurance rather than feeding your ever growing belly.
(2010.Apr.10 12:11 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]I aint running fat boy. I pwn your face as always. Better beef up or level up. Spend some cash on endurance rather than feeding your ever growing belly.
Your insults have lost their edge, Rambo. I can cut myself better with a sphere than you can with your insults.
Anyway, you are running. Hiding in the level 50 district while I sit in DD, waiting for you to come and bring a real fight, rather than what you pulled with Dingus a while ago. I don't need to play by your game or your rules, 'cause I don't live in fear of getting beaten back.
Remember when we all lost our items after we got our clovers? I hospitalized her with my bare hands that morning. Just thought that was worth mentioning.
(2010.Apr.10 02:25 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.10 12:15 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.10 12:11 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]I aint running fat boy. I pwn your face as always. Better beef up or level up. Spend some cash on endurance rather than feeding your ever growing belly.
Your insults have lost their edge, Rambo. I can cut myself better with a sphere than you can with your insults.
Anyway, you are running. Hiding in the level 50 district while I sit in DD, waiting for you to come and bring a real fight, rather than what you pulled with Dingus a while ago. I don't need to play by your game or your rules, 'cause I don't live in fear of getting beaten back.
Chat more drek please.
Guess I forgot that you only have the balls to attack me at half health, too. Half-assed, as usual. Too bad I sent in the official replacement for retarded to the guys who write the dictionaries. Otherwise, Rambo would be used for half-assed, instead.
Lol, I have nothing to prove with fatty
Behemoth hospitalize win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth mug win
Behemoth leave win
Behemoth mug win
Whatever you say, Queefpuss McTwat.

Whenever you can quit being a scared little wimp...
Wait. I won't hold my breath for that. Whenever you can quit being Rambo...
Can't hold my breath for that, either...Uh...
Well, when you're done being half...
What can't you do? You can be a scared wimp, Rambo, half-assed, and be alive.
8431 VS Behemoth 42 327 Hospitalized by FirstBlood.

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Name: FirstBlood [9659] Donator: 4 Days Left
Ouch is right. Can beat me that bad AND STILL RUN AWAY.