i would just like to say......
it must suck not being a Space Wrangler.
HAHAAHAHAHHH!!!! losers!
Who the hell are the Space Wranglers? Are those the guys that wear the assless chaps and hog tie guys naked?
(2010.Apr.07 09:13 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Who the hell are the Space Wranglers? Are those the guys that wear the assless chaps and hog tie guys naked?
i think i heard of them. they also force guys to do the dactyl
All chaps are, by definition, assless.

(2010.Apr.07 09:15 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.07 09:13 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Who the hell are the Space Wranglers? Are those the guys that wear the assless chaps and hog tie guys naked?
i think i heard of them. they also have girls begging for the dactyl
You know nothing of the dactyl, or the many women satisfied by it.
(2010.Apr.07 09:13 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Who the hell are the Space Wranglers? Are those the guys that wear the assless chaps and hog tie guys naked?
Na Tom, more like the Hillbillies from Deliverance.
Bconrad plays a mean banjo.