i wanna know who came up with all the rules of the game. im not talking about the poi or whatever its called, im talkin bout the no online hits, or no hosping. those kinda stuff.
Don't tell fat boy the truth that 22 hours a day just MAY be a little excessive to play an online game and there really is life outside AL. The sun will rise tomorrow if you didn't turn your computer on alllll day Taco. Really. lol
Time Event Actions
9:17 pm Behemoth hospitalized you.
Rules, we don't need no stinking rules!
There are unwritten rules, however there are no rules about online hits or hosping. Everyone generally just uses common courtesy when hitting others. Unless they are pissed at you and are teaching you a lesson or in some cases they are just rude.
(2010.Apr.07 08:25 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]22 hours a day just MAY be a little excessive to play an online game
You know exactly how long I play online...Wonder how that is. -Logic ensues.-
(2010.Apr.07 08:31 PM)DejaVu Wrote: [ -> ]Rules, we don't need no stinking rules! 
There are unwritten rules, however there are no rules about online hits or hosping. Everyone generally just uses common courtesy when hitting others. Unless they are miffed at you and are teaching you a lesson or in some cases they are just rude.
If this was the case, Taco tits would never leave the hosp. He is rude as hell and smells foul. Showering once a week when he drags his lard as out of his chair at the compuer (I can just hear the sound as his ass peels off of the vinyl). Yuck. Talk about rude.
dave. wanna quit failing and just move on for today?
(2010.Apr.07 08:54 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]dave. wanna quit failing and just move on for today?
Talk about multis. You and fat boy Taco use the exact same verbage? Anyone...hmm... Even if Taco buffet is a multi, this is all the dude has. Let him be. Plus, his entire welfare check goes to fund this game.
and again dude. you can call us multis all you want. Zen know the facts.
Old jokes. Old failed humor.
I am not satisfied with the movie. I demand a refund.
(2010.Apr.07 09:25 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Old jokes. Old failed humor.
I am not satisfied with the movie. I demand a refund.
"I can hear you getting fatter". Love that one.