(2010.Mar.30 04:04 PM)BlackMamba Wrote: [ -> ]Got to admit though
MENstral cycle
MENstral cramps
Isn't it funny how all womens problems start with men 

Yeah. We try our best to be as problematic to you women as possible. It's our duty.
Could you guys be bigger assholes?
Oh noes! Girls am get free will! Quick make fun of them!

(2010.Mar.30 03:39 PM)shadowstalker Wrote: [ -> ]cheetah, nesta, eff, black mamba
this would be a powerful gang but..
would this result in every four weeks roughly, for one week would we be randomly hosped and then get apology mails, then mails tellin us how much they hate us, then stims and nimbus's
ect ect ect
Dude.... this has to be the most nonsensical, grammatically retarded fail of a paragraph I have seen in a long time. I know, ignore me; I'm a troll. But seriously... WTF?
I truly don't have any clue what the hell this is supposed to be. Can someone please translate?
@ ben dover
its really not hard 2 work out is it, its only meant 2 be a bubble.
and as for my grammar, i honestly couldnt care less, im more of a numbers person myself
@ ben dover
its really not hard 2 work out is it, its only meant 2 be a bubble.
and as for my grammar, i honestly couldnt care less, im more of a numbers person myself
(2010.Mar.30 05:32 PM)shadowstalker Wrote: [ -> ]@ ben dover
its really not hard 2 work out is it, its only meant 2 be a bubble.
and as for my grammar, i honestly couldnt care less, im more of a numbers person myself
@ ben dover
its really not hard 2 work out is it, its only meant 2 be a bubble.
and as for my grammar, i honestly couldnt care less, im more of a numbers person myself
I get the 2nd part, but the first part is just confusing.
at mblume
i was reffering to bendovers post complaining about mine bein confused.
the first part said that i was just having a bubble (bubble = bubble bath = laugh) rhymin slang
(2010.Mar.30 05:40 PM)shadowstalker Wrote: [ -> ]at mblume
i was reffering to bendovers post complaining about mine bein confused.
the first part said that i was just having a bubble (bubble = bubble bath = laugh) rhymin slang
You missed the joke apparently