2007.Apr.01, 12:04 PM
It is my pleasure to announce this news

Zenith and Err has been working on a new set of skills, which they plan to add in the beginning of June. And following that event, all players will be given free donator status to get that skill up fast, so that skill is up to date with the rest of the skills. And so that the donators also will get some benefits, for the duration of the free donator days, they will receive 30% extra AP/EP regen rate.
The new two skills will be:
Stealth: The way this skill works is during the first 5 hits of the attack, with high enough stealth you may be able to attack the opponent 5 times without him finding out youre whereabouts. And vice versa, you can see you opponent come to attack you and hide away to try and attack him 5 times without him finding out where you are. Of course, accuracy and dexterity still plays a part, so you might miss, but nevertherless upto 5 attacks without getting hit back is a nice reward.
Brutality: This skill is mainly formed for melee, but does also grant a modifier for guns. Brutality makes you hit in places where it hurts, giving bigger damage from hits with melee or guns. Simple as that, the bigger Brutality ranking you have, the bigger chance that you will do critical hits.
I hope you all will look forward to these new addons as I will