I know this item has been in the item market 4 a very long time now but who will b crazy enough 2 buy a knife for 200k. cant it b deleted lol.who put it there anyway?
why delete it? if someone doesn't pay attention and actually buys the darn thing it's their own fault.
anyways, the thing has magical powers.
I'm about to buy it just to get the damn thing off of there. I don't know why but it bugs me almost as much as that blinking no seatbelt sign in my car.
psheehan78 Wrote:I'm about to buy it just to get the darn thing off of there. I don't know why but it bugs me almost as much as that blinking no seatbelt sign in my car.
If expensive knives annoy you ive got one for $150,000 you can have.
It's signed by wolverine
If it's signed by wolverine I'll give you my ranch and a beef jerky for it.
postings on the item market should expire after a month or so and force the player to relist it.
I actually could get behind that idea. maybe 3 month, quarterly expirations on the listings.
I still say if you buy the 200k knife it's your own fault.