I know the whole 8star Weebs thing is over with, and Weebay isn't coming back, yadda yadda, we will all miss Weebay dearly, but why continue to hosp star? I don't like picking sides..only when i have to. But seriously people, what's the point of hosping her if she doesn't care for the game anymore, she can just come out and continue to do what she does, you guys are just wasting energy/training time just because a member quit. just leave her alone, it wont make a difference whether you hosp her or not. :/ I didn't want to get involved.. but i felt i should say something. Also the explanation Zenny gave us was very well put.
(2010.Mar.26 06:25 PM)Kamyarkool Wrote: [ -> ]I know the whole 8star Weebs thing is over with, and Weebay isn't coming back, yadda yadda, we will all miss Weebay dearly, but why continue to hosp star? I don't like picking sides..only when i have to. But seriously people, what's the point of hosping her if she doesn't care for the game anymore, she can just come out and continue to do what she does, you guys are just wasting energy/training time just because a member quit. just leave her alone, it wont make a difference whether you hosp her or not. :/ I didn't want to get involved.. but i felt i should say something. Also the explanation Zenny gave us was very well put.
Shhhh! Don't tell them. Let them waste EP.
(2010.Mar.26 06:27 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]huh, again?
No, I've just been noticing that 8star has been getting hosped again.
She likes it.
If she didn't, she'd stop mailing us, stop stimming out, stop hopping districts. Obviously she enjoys it. We do too.
It's a win-win situation.
(2010.Mar.26 06:33 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]She likes it.
If she didn't, she'd stop mailing us, stop stimming out, stop hopping districts. Obviously she enjoys it. We do too.
It's a win-win situation.
I liked your gentle touch last time

(2010.Mar.26 06:25 PM)Kamyarkool Wrote: [ -> ]+1
wtf is the +1 about. You can't plus 1 yourself unless you have split personalities
(2010.Mar.26 06:25 PM)Kamyarkool Wrote: [ -> ]I know the whole 8star Weebs thing is over with, and Weebay isn't coming back, yadda yadda, we will all miss Weebay dearly, but why continue to hosp star? I don't like picking sides..only when i have to. But seriously people, what's the point of hosping her if she doesn't care for the game anymore, she can just come out and continue to do what she does, you guys are just wasting energy/training time just because a member quit. just leave her alone, it wont make a difference whether you hosp her or not. :/ I didn't want to get involved.. but i felt i should say something. Also the explanation Zenny gave us was very well put.
It's part of the game. If you want to make it far in this game it's better to lay low in your earlier stages. Being part of the reason 2 well respected(not entirely by me) high level members of the game get banned and starting a huge drama sht fest typically gets you black marked. Some people will side with you, some people will hate you, but either way bringing that much attention to yourself is going to end bad
(2010.Mar.26 06:25 PM)Kamyarkool Wrote: [ -> ]I know the whole 8star Weebs thing is over with, and Weebay isn't coming back, yadda yadda, we will all miss Weebay dearly, but why continue to hosp star? I don't like picking sides..only when i have to. But seriously people, what's the point of hosping her if she doesn't care for the game anymore, she can just come out and continue to do what she does, you guys are just wasting energy/training time just because a member quit. just leave her alone, it wont make a difference whether you hosp her or not. :/ I didn't want to get involved.. but i felt i should say something. Also the explanation Zenny gave us was very well put.
Thanks for bringing this up again.

(2010.Mar.26 06:25 PM)Kamyarkool Wrote: [ -> ]I know the whole 8star Weebs thing is over with, and Weebay isn't coming back, yadda yadda, we will all miss Weebay dearly, but why continue to hosp star? I don't like picking sides..only when i have to. But seriously people, what's the point of hosping her if she doesn't care for the game anymore, she can just come out and continue to do what she does, you guys are just wasting energy/training time just because a member quit. just leave her alone, it wont make a difference whether you hosp her or not. :/ I didn't want to get involved.. but i felt i should say something. Also the explanation Zenny gave us was very well put.
How old are you anyway? Are you even out of your AL diapers? I think that you #1 arent old enuff to have an opion on this subject and #2 should get up to a higher lvl b4 u start trying to tell ppl who can squish u with their pinky toe what they should do.
Also I dont think i have ever seen anyone +1 themselves.
PS can u dbl space next time i'm so tired i can barely understand what you just tried to say.