i think we ahould have a bar so people can have a beer after the get out of jail or somthin idk i just think this game should have a bar 8)
I think that's a good idea, and maybe it could have a list of people who are in the bar like the hospital and jail lists.
so what is the benifit of having the bar? what make it worth the effort for the creators to code?
sounds like you just want a pointless hangout spot coded into the game, but inform me if I'm wrong.
The "bar" could be the link to the IRC chat page, because a bar is a place to socialize.
My thought was like a chat room
that is what the IRC chat page is
Maybe alchohol in a bar could lower HP refresh and increase happiness refresh if you get drunk ^^,
thatthingufear Wrote:that is what the IRC chat page is
I'm sorry, I don't know much about computers

(this is my first one as I have resisted technology for quite some time :oops: )