(2010.Mar.26 08:07 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]btw anyone here doing the memphis in may thing....weve got 3 confirmed....common dont be shy
lol smokes...
it will prob rain as usual.
(2010.Mar.26 08:10 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]rain never stopped elvis
neither did liquid cocaine
(2010.Mar.26 08:17 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.26 08:14 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.26 08:10 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]rain never stopped elvis
neither did liquid cocaine
hey now
As far as the Sookie Stackhouse books are soncerned Elvis never died!
aight memphis folk homecoming in may....27th for some beale st fun with the blues band, the flipping kid and ducks on the roof if we get lucky...whos in?
Beale street is all kinds of awesome!!!! Although the girls at coyote ugly are fucking dogs. That made me really sad.

(2010.Mar.26 08:26 PM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ]Beale street is all kinds of awesome!!!! Although the girls at coyote ugly are farging dogs. That made me really sad. 
The girls of Platinum Plus were great