(2010.Mar.24 01:08 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Whats your thoughts?
Weebay Ban is over, but wants to stay in fedjail.
Lame thread then, and even lamer Weebay! Seriously weebs, get your ass outta there you muppet!
(2010.Mar.24 01:15 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Another Lame thread then, and even lamer Weebay! Seriously weebs, get your arse outta there you muppet!
You could always edit the tiltle and just name Marlo.
yeah, i don't blame him if he doesnt wanna come back, not sure i would wanna either
Hey I wouldn't come back either if a bunch of people could just whine you into getting banned by the Admin....
(2010.Mar.24 02:28 PM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]Hey I wouldn't come back either if a bunch of people could just whine you into getting banned by the Admin....
A bunch of peolpe whined him into getting unbanned.
rambo wheres the your a moron option?

poor weebs.. we lost another good man.