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all movies with prison have gymin prison, and all prisoners are bodybuilders Biggrin

Sam I Am

Among other things.... lol


dont mention passing the soap when in prison.



Chris Mangano

I like having the gym available in the jail, but I don't think your happiness should increase. You're in jail. I think happiness should be affected from training in jail just like it is out of jail.


If the happiness went up in jail then everyone would be getting arrested to do some training. There should be a gym but it should treat your happiness the same as on the outside. Even possibly your power going up slower in jail to compensate.


isnt arresting random ?
i always do same crime, and just click the button, dont now how to get arrested
but, whole idea is to dont waste energy while in jail, happines should be same
because, i log in, and try to do crime, and after first try im in jail, have to wait for 30+ minutes to be free and have 100% energy
for 30 minutes, energy can be 50% recovered, and 100% if donate


Chris Mangano Wrote:I like having the gym available in the jail, but I don't think your happiness should increase. You're in jail. I think happiness should be affected from training in jail just like it is out of jail.

i agree


ok lol


and, officialy, we have gym in jail Smile
thanks zenith Smile
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