I cant get on AL and i'm not the only one... whats going on? Yet there are others for whom its working fine? NOT impressed.
The server is undergoing maintenance until 4AM server time. The site may have some delay during this period and/or be inaccessible. Timed events will continue to run however.
Just unequip and take all your money out of your account and wait.
whoopee fn ding... it would be diff if i could go somewhere or do something but i am stuck on me back again.
(2010.Mar.15 10:41 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Just unequip and take all your money out of your account and wait.
it cant even find al... how do u expect me to get online?
PS u Can Stuff that under pranks gone horribly wrong...
I had to do a DNS change, and it's going to be some time to propagate through all the servers out there. I wish it would be faster
I'm shocked you could post in the forums. Should have had no access to all things AL for a bit.
(2010.Mar.15 11:02 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I had to do a DNS change, and it's going to be some time to propagate through all the servers out there. I wish it would be faster 
I'm shocked you could post in the forums. Should have had no access to all things AL for a bit.
never lost access at all
(2010.Mar.15 11:13 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]never lost access at all
Some people may have found it down, others didn't even see a difference. I tried accessing the game from two computers during the DNS change... one worked and one didn't. Not sure why that is. It is one of them wonders of the Interweb.
this might explain the minor lag. although said lag was hellish at school
i went to sleep.. no harm. Just really want to get to my next lvl.