I know some people have posted here and there about including attack logs (including myself), but i think that it is time logs have been included into the game. every time i'm attacked i want to know how badly i am beaten, if i missed shot, if i didnt resist much damage, etc. if i can know how much i need to train before someone can stop wooping my arse, then maybe i can be more successful at this game and so can everybody else. please, include more descriptive attack logs!!!!!
note: i wouldnt be upset if some money logs were included as well - last 25 exchanges both sent AND received (only sent is logged as far as i know, except under "events" which groups pretty much everything)
Patience in a virtue that not every can afford, especially since it is priceless...

ive been posting about this for weeks -.-
I like both ideas.
I don't understand why the person being attacked doesn't get a log. If it it for space reasons, I'm sure a system can be developed where only the last 25 attack logs are being kept. Also if a person goes inactive, it looses spots from the attack logs queue. So it keeps 25 - (days_of_inactivity) logs. After 25 days of inactivity, all logs are erased. Same for the bank records.
OTOH HDDs are cheap; keep all data, it's not gonna make a big dent in the space already occupied. Just delete the data after 25 days of inactivity.
25 = arbitrary number.
Come on guys, change takes time. The two in charge of updating and tweaking this game have RL stuff to do. Not like they sit on their butts all day not doing anything. They have a plan and have a direction on which this game is to proceed. Their vision takes precedence over all our GREAT ideas. It takes time, and if it's such a good idea it will be implemented. It may take months but if it adds to the game dynamics in a positive way then I'm sure it will be implemented in time. Thanks guys! Keep those Ideas coming!
we arent upset about this not being implemented yet but we still want to see it done

Tiiiiiiiii iiiii ii i me is on my side, yes it is, tiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iii i me is on my side...
Yes it's a good idea. But we'll have to change up the logging system to provide more approriate information, as the logs we have now are just text-dumps. We'd prefer to offer the meaty details in an easy-to-read format. Since we have been working on the cyberware stuff, the log idea is on the proverbial plate.
And we don't delete any info. We just move it to a back-up database

so if you so chose, you could lookup a fight i had at level 3? lol. that'd be neat! I wonder how my very first attack went down.. i've forgotten by now.