In hospital for 63 minutes. Reason : Brutalized by Yoda.
What's this about?
new combat choice. uses your full energy and gives you a bonus on attacking.
I should read the newspaper when I wake up in the morning... or even look at my screen.
Apologies to the person I accidently brutalized in my sleep.. :shock:
Yup, does as Matt says and gives 0 exp.
Fat lot of good it did for me... I attacked some random guy at my level and got my butt kicked when I previously destroyed him...
ok if it does 0 exp then whats the point other than proving a point? it seems like an overexerting hospitalization...
I guess.. probably the same or similar effect to hospitalising someone in a war situation (for respect), only you can hit bigger than before.
It does less hospital time than a hospitalization. It is really meant for those situations when you have absolutely no chance to win with normal attacks. Since the bonus is random, sometimes you win against a stronger opponent at the cost of 3 attacks, and somethings you get your butt handed to you. It's the luck of the draw when you go in a rage.
Thanks Zen... and for resetting the default.

but you get 0 exp for it

but you get respect for your gang if you win in the battle :wink: