because stimming and the popping nimbus after is time consuming and a pain in the ass...
useful item.
maybe even make it something medics could do or sell since people are always looking for new career abilities.
(2010.Mar.08 11:44 AM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]discuss.
(2010.Mar.08 11:44 AM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]because stimming and the popping nimbus after is time consuming and a pain in the arse...
useful item.
maybe even make it something medics could do or sell since people are always looking for new career abilities.
+1 does both in one click.
I like it. Maybe for a cost of career points a medic or scientist could merge those two items and we get both from one use. This would give those careers an added value and a way to earn a little $ from the community by charging for the service.
It is a good idea, I'll agree, I like the addendum you added Joshiwa. Our careers needs some new abilities to keep them fresh and exciting. For example, high ranking military career users should be allowed grenades or something. Rockets, claymore, etc you get the idea.
(2010.Mar.09 09:08 AM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]It is a good idea, I'll agree, I like the addendum you added Joshiwa. Our careers needs some new abilities to keep them fresh and exciting. For example, high ranking military career users should be allowed grenades or something. Rockets, claymore, etc you get the idea.
"Conrad multi'd" ask anyone who has ever read Conrad post that in exact words!
Same career, except I'm more of a badass than him. He's weaksauce

obviously us engineers would need to supply the military grunts with the pre-made explosives.
and stimbus gets a +25 the less clicks/stuff to carry the better