Ok new tactic for bashing rambones. You found the contest boring, so why do you want to do it again? (although you seem to find every contest boring) Also if you had participated you would know that the evens did not dominate as you say. Spacebird didn't sleep that day and was constantly popping in and taking out 3-4 evens before someone would get him. It was not baby bashing at all.
(2010.Feb.20 12:01 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.20 11:54 AM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Rambo I don't see you in the poi for that contest. So why are you talking about it if you nothing about it?
Odds won, i'm odd (ha haha) so yeah W/E
Just as we all know Pun and his missus are the vills, we still include the irrelevant ones like you as a villain.
So thats the story of how you founded Diss?
I didnt get a chance to participate in the last one, it sounded awesome...
Dont have it on a stupid long weekend when half the AL community is out drinking or getting stoned...or both...
I was just starting @ the last one, it would be great to be able to participate in one . . . I'm w/ bconrad April 12th.
(2010.Feb.20 02:42 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Ok new tactic for bashing rambones. You found the contest boring, so why do you want to do it again? (although you seem to find every contest boring) Also if you had participated you would know that the evens did not dominate as you say. Spacebird didn't sleep that day and was constantly popping in and taking out 3-4 evens before someone would get him. It was not baby bashing at all.
What meds you on? I don't want to do it again. Try bashing something closer to hand, not me.
(2010.Feb.20 04:29 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.20 02:42 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Ok new tactic for bashing rambones. You found the contest boring, so why do you want to do it again? (although you seem to find every contest boring) Also if you had participated you would know that the evens did not dominate as you say. Spacebird didn't sleep that day and was constantly popping in and taking out 3-4 evens before someone would get him. It was not baby bashing at all.
What meds you on? I don't want to do it again. Try bashing something closer to hand, not me.
My bad was on a little trip and thought for a minute you weren't a complete loser, who hates every contest and wishes he could train 24/7, so that he can sell his house the second SV declares war on his gang. Won't happen again Captain Rambo, founder of Valhaha. *salute*
bring on odds vs evans last time was great

(2010.Feb.20 07:33 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.20 04:29 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.20 02:42 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Ok new tactic for bashing rambones. You found the contest boring, so why do you want to do it again? (although you seem to find every contest boring) Also if you had participated you would know that the evens did not dominate as you say. Spacebird didn't sleep that day and was constantly popping in and taking out 3-4 evens before someone would get him. It was not baby bashing at all.
What meds you on? I don't want to do it again. Try bashing something closer to hand, not me.
My bad was on a little trip and thought for a minute you weren't a complete loser who hates every contest and wishes he could train 24/7 so that he can sell his house the second SV declares war on his gang. Won't happen again Captain Rambo, founder of Valhaha. *salute*
(2010.Feb.20 02:44 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]I didnt get a chance to participate in the last one, it sounded awesome...
Dont have it on a stupid long weekend when half the AL community is out drinking or getting stoned...or both...
+1 It was like the ONLY weekend I took off to the cottage and came back and didnt have a clue as to what was going on...