i saw this in the hospital
32153 ^V^ Some1Better 36 43 Bit off more than they could chew with VIP3R.
Yeah, I must have missed something
is it bc you think they are all multis. or bc they are all lovers?
na we live close to eachother
no i find it funny because the one who calls themselves Some1Better was the one who bit off and lost
(2010.Feb.18 05:59 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]na we live close to eachother
yea. thats why i said "think" they are multis. you guys are all lovers though one of you admitted it in a previous thread.
nice coop i didnt even think about that, thats is pretty funny
haha that was VIP3R the fraggg lol
i agreee with a name like that you should only reali attack people your confident on beating lol
Would we ever beat anyone new if we were always only attacked those we were confident in beating?