With todays addition of Cyberware to the game, Zen and Err have brought us an interesting slice of the Cyberpunk Roleplay genre.
Curious to see what people think about it. Is this the type of roleplaying genre you like to see?
Would you like to see more along the lines of body modification, hacking or futuristic weaponry?
If not, what would you like?
As a kid I used to play a table top rpg called GURPS, I was never into the Fantasy genre as much as Cyberpunk and more futuristic styles of roleplay, so for me todays update was a very welcome addition.
k, thanks.
I thought they were just an expensive joke. For how poor the cumminity is it's just adding more things to save up for. I think if there were more ways to make more money, then it would be more useful. Once again though only the highest levels can afford the best stuff.
which makes sense, because only the richest people in the world can afford their own personal body guards or jets or whatever. So DD are you saying that Zen should make the game easier??? I think the dollar amounts should actually be higher.
TheGeek Wrote:Is this the type of roleplaying genre you like to see?
Would you like to see more along the lines of body modification, hacking or futuristic weaponry?
If not, what would you like?
These were more the questions I had in mind for the thread, not the cost analysis of the new additions. =\
k, thanks.
Let's not get into money. This game is expensive at any rate. For the amount I can play WoW for a month I get a month of donator here and not much else. Not complaining, but let's not forget this.
No, I'm not saying she should make the game easier. I'm simply saying that if there are going to be such expensive additions then there should be a few more ways for the lower levels to make money, rather then to donate.
What good would those new adds be if people could afford them at lvl 5, donate 200$ and in less than a month have the same stats as a level 20 that never donated a dime, (because he can't afford to donate) took 6 months to reach?
I think the amounts are good and adding the humanity side will stop or at least slow down those highest player from buying all the upgrades too soon.
Oh, And i like those new additions but let's not turn this into a mechwarrior rpg game though.
The setting of AwakenedLands has always been intended to be a cyberpunkish setting. It won't turn into cars and robots battling each other, but there will be more things to flesh out player accounts to make them more unique.
The humanity aspect of cyberware is to reward activity while keeping things in check. It was also intended to force players into choosing their own strategy on how to use it. Using all your humanity does have its downside, as you will face slower healing and happiness refreshes.
Sure you can donate and get a quick fix in stats, but you can do that in any aspect of the game. Players can't just max out on cyberware as it maxes out at 50% of your natural stat rating regardless of how much money you have.
I want to make the game so you will always have something to do with your earned money other than saving it up for the best house, hence the last few additions/changes. There will be more to come in terms of earning income as well as ways to spend.
Good to hear Zen! I love me some Ghost in the Shell type cyberpunkery! (is punkery a word?... meh)
ps, thanks for reigning in my thread. topic was getting a lil off base.

oh now you gone and done it again, you made me really curious ^^ what are these things and when are they coming ^^