(2010.Feb.16 03:14 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.16 03:10 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]i would like to see a list similar to the one we have about busting others out, only i would like to see who has busted me out...
basically a duplicate of what we have now just the opposite way around...
so your asking for a list of dudes that have busted you out?
would be a long list of homo's............
there you go again with that homo shit again lol

Jail times from crimes or combat? Two different lists, and it's a TON of data to sort through.
(2010.Feb.16 03:44 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.16 03:40 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]i meant the highest time you have landed in jail. i'm trying to think if i have broken 700 or not
Somewhere someone posted a "breakdown" of what they thought it took to bust. Lvl/intel. I think at you lvl you got into 600's, not 700's. WHo knows. Im too lazy to look for that thread though.
I thought int played a role in busting people out, but I'm very high on the int list and my best bust isn't over 610. Not from lack of trying either. I don't think I'm even in the poi for best bust time
(2010.Feb.16 09:40 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.16 03:44 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.16 03:40 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]i meant the highest time you have landed in jail. i'm trying to think if i have broken 700 or not
Somewhere someone posted a "breakdown" of what they thought it took to bust. Lvl/intel. I think at you lvl you got into 600's, not 700's. WHo knows. Im too lazy to look for that thread though.
I thought int played a role in busting people out, but I'm very high on the int list and my best bust isn't over 610. Not from lack of trying either. I don't think I'm even in the poi for best bust time
I've always thought that it was mostly governed by a hidden jailbust xp stat. Or that's the conclusion that I've drawn from similar topics.
I would say jail from combat... but thats just me. Would be interesting to see my biggest goofup when i attacked someone/NPC praying I would finally win.
well combat tends to land you the higher times and i was just thinking the highest you have ever gotten in your time playing AL. now that i'm thinking about it though that's an enormous amount of data