(2010.Feb.15 03:14 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Fact of the matter is this, my opinion counts, where you like it or not. If a thread is close to bashing, then I decide wether or not to lock/remove it and the same counts for the other moderators. If I choose to let it stay open, then people can choose to behave in that thread to let it remain alive.
Now, I know that you most likely still haven't learned the rules Trooper, so do yourself a favor.
dru, that thread was strictly a bashing thread. the only time you thought to take action was when i started bashing you and the reason it got closed was because i wasn't gonna let your bs go...not because dave or anyone else was getting dirt thrown on them. and, no, your opinion doesn't mean jack...the forums are far from a vital part of whether i play this game or not.
Frankly I think you just post because you are in love with me. <3
(2010.Feb.15 03:36 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Frankly I think you just post because you are in love with me. <3
finally, something funny!?!

look, if you're gonna be all balls to the wall, tight wad on the rules then you should adhere to them yourself.
(2010.Feb.15 02:43 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]I am not a fan of bashing threads, but I gave it a chance. And the entire focus of the thread was just on that, me having the nerve as a moderator to give a thread a chance.
If you keep turning the entire focus on me every time I choose to let threads like that a chance to run it's course, it will be increasingly easier for me to lock and or remove them.
Dude you gotta be the biggest asshole in the game. I'm not donating another cent of money until your gone. You retired, then come back, NOT to play the game, but to be a big forum homo. We pay a lot of money to say what we want, what you do isn't right, THE GAME WAS A LOT BETTER WHEN YOU WERE RETIRED. GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!!!!!
Why Auntie Dave? haha...
Should've use Auntie Daisy.
Keep pulling my hair Trooper, I have a feeling we are doing the whole "4th grader boy pulls a girls hair to get her attention". Only that I have short hair and you might find it hard to get a proper grip.
If we are gonna cyber and all over pm's, I just have one question to make, what is your relationship to personal hygiene? Cause I am one of those uptight guys that likes to shower 1-2 times every day, and prefer that my eventual cyberpartner (if you say yes that is) to be of the same character.
LOL, dru man, I actually just read all your posts, your really think your something special. I bet you stare at the mirror all day just telling yourself how great you are. It must be really hard to carry a head that size, but just in case you forgot, YOU DONT OWN THE GAME, YOU A FRIGGIN NOBODY. You could leave tomorrow and Id be hard pressed to find somebody that actually cares.
(2010.Feb.15 03:51 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Keep pulling my hair Trooper, I have a feeling we are doing the whole "4th grader boy pulls a girls hair to get her attention". Only that I have short hair and you might find it hard to get a proper grip.
If we are gonna cyber and all over pm's, I just have one question to make, what is your relationship to personal hygiene? Cause I am one of those uptight guys that likes to shower 1-2 times every day, and prefer that my eventual cyberpartner (if you say yes that is) to be of the same character.
Now your a hippocrate and a loser
for the love of God
you are or you're
(2010.Feb.15 04:33 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]for the love of God
you are or you're
I beg to differ...
your /yʊər, yɔr, yoʊr; unstressed yər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [yoor, yawr, yohr; unstressed yer]
–pronoun 1. (a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective): Your jacket is in that closet. I like your idea. Compare yours.
2. one's (used to indicate that one belonging to oneself or to any person): The consulate is your best source of information. As you go down the hill, the library is on your left.
3. (used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a particular type): Take your factory worker, for instance. Your power brakes don't need that much servicing.