I think it would be nice if the location was included in the enemy list showing either the location or unknown. It's pretty time consuming to click on each one of my enemies just to see if they're in the same area.
PS sorry if there's already a thread about this. I never checked.
If there's been a thread about this, it hasn't been recently.
I agree, would be nice to have a location added into the enemies list.
Or even an icon if you're in the same area as your enemy.
I like the icon if you're in the same location, but not for your enemies list to tell you where they are. that would completely nullify the change to not being able to see where people are.
I don't think he was meaning showing each enemies location but more of like the user list of showing their location if your in the same district but unknown if they are in a different district other than the one your in
yeah, that I would agree with.
Definitely an excellent idea. I concur!

How bout simply removing the attack option in your list if the person is in a different district? Probably less work for Zen as it would be the same as not having the attack option when looking at some1's profile.
sounds like it would work alright.
+1 for convenience!
k, thanks.