I wish there was a way to bank a % of lost Action Points. Would have to be based on activity and maybe reset each mo but there are times I just cant get on to use them and it really bothers me that if i dont use them they're just gone

especially seeing as we need them for damn near everything we do.
i can agree that i certainly miss those points i dont get to use while i'm not playing. but if you think of it this way, being an active player would have little or no reward to a once daily player, or even once weekly. plus, if I didnt have to wait for my points to refresh, i probaly wouldn't donate. just hop on AL at like 11:30 pm and use it all in one long string of events. although gang wars would be a whole new story. imagine banking ap to go to war with balazaar's gang, or 1 of those megagangs(who shall remain nameless).
i think its a great idea. but i don't know if it balances out right IMO.
It doesnt matter if u donate or not, u cant refresh aps either way.
Actually i meant to add to that 1st post that u would only be able to use them once per mo as well or have a limited use of them. I'm not looking for a free handout it just bothers me that they're being wasted. :roll:
how about a once daily type thing. every time I use my ap's, I always end up with maybe 1 or 2 or 3 that I can't use. Bank those, and use em before midnight?
I.e at level 16 I've got 35 ap. Steal two classic cars = 32 ap. Then bank those 3 left over. Do that a couple times, and maybe I've got 12 or 14 extra ap towards the end of the day. If I fail to apply my bank'd ap by midnight, I loose it. Add to that you can't bank more than your maximum ap, and it's only good for a one time refresh.
That seems like it would keep things in balance. I'm not being rewarded for not playing, but I'm not being penalized for having an awkward number of AP.