Would have been nice to get some notice, but that's awesome. Thanks for the contest, Zen.
I do have a question, though; Collective hospital minutes, or biggest amount with one hit?
Awfully fun so far. Can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings us.
Most total minutes combined for the day.
This competition needs to include the possibility of being hosped with a vd after being date raped.
Most Hospital Minutes Tag Suggestion
'SuperBowl's Most Sleepy Lush.'
(2010.Feb.07 04:13 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Most Hospital Minutes Tag Suggestion
'SuperBowl's Most Sleepy Lush.'
only females can be reffered to as a Lush.
Or any individual that dominates an uncountable amount of beers among the inebriated masses at the party. AKA, when the whole Dome's capability to count past 10 is compromised.
must have a different meaning, in australia it usually reffers to some slut who is too pissed. never heard of a bloke being called a lush.