Concerning the thread you just locked......
Is it possible for you to run a quick 'spell check' and add a little punctuation to your post?
Being that your opinion as a "moderator" is important to me, I'm really trying to read and comprehend it.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for that little reminder my child

Some corrections have been made, and I will look over the post once again when I wake up tomorrow, since it is soon 2am here.
Just sitting here awake with my girlfriend that's going away for easter ^^
So before I log off, anything more Sarge? Need a hug or something?
Have a pleasant evening.
If you can post on here fluently in Norwegian, with perfect grammar, then I'm sure Dru will do the same in English for you.
Druchii Wrote:Thanks for that little reminder my child
Some corrections have been made, and I will look over the post once again when I wake up tomorrow, since it is soon 2am here.
Just sitting here awake with my girlfriend that's going away for easter ^^
So before I log off, anything more Sarge? Need a hug or something?
Have a pleasant evening.
Calm down boss. That was no flame as like I said, I was just wanting to be able to fully understand your opinion....which is much easier to do now and I thank you.
No thanks on the hug.....but now I feel compelled to return a similiar offer.....
So before you log off, nothing more from Sarge! Do you need a stim pak or something?
Edit: Forgot to add.....
You have a pleasant evening as well!
I'm not flaming now, I'm just incredibly tired since it's 2am and I've been up since 5.30am this morning.
It makes it really hard for me to be polite against you when you open a thread about me missing a punctuation or two, but I'm giving it a shot nevertheless.
You got anything more you got to say about how I type, please feel free to send me a mail about it, as I dont see the need to see this littering the general section.
can i play 2?

God Morgen Drucili !
Jeg håper De hatt en god natt !
Hva gjør De tenker på min Norsk maskinskrivende ferdigheter ?