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Full Version: One more thing
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Sorry, as I missed out on all the fun...

I've NEVER complained about the attacks, so Chris- saying NT's the only one not complaining is rubbish, find me one point where I complained.

Secondly, your '100%' truth, is quite close admittedly. There's a couple of points though, which are true- but only from your perspective.

Firstly, the offers. We offered you 800k, you turned it down- true. When we offered you 1.2 and you turned it down, demanding 1.5- we told you then, we'll offer you once more. Turn it down, the offer is GONE, and you'll get no more offers of cash again- refuse, and the money is gone for good. You turned it down.

When you then offered us 1.2mil, we'd already told you- cash is gone now. You're not getting it. So don't make out like we're unreliable and had no intention of dealing with you- had you accepted our offers, we would have gone through with them. Same as if we say 'you refuse, deal's off for good', we mean it.

As to the cash with trips- yes, we did say something to Zen. Why? We worked out he had cash. Mugging, as Zen herself said, is part of the game. Cash gets left out, cash gets mugged. When we realised Trips had that kinda cash onhand, we started planning on how to take it. When our plans were just laid- the cash disappeared. Trips hadn't been online, so we knew admin had taken a hand, and we disagreed with that. As I said earlier, mugging's a part of the game.

Anyway, that's my side as I see it. The truth is generally a changing thing from person to person, and perspectives can change the truth very quickly.

Jack Daniels

Wasn't a thread similiar to this one locked a few minutes ago? At any rate, just in case you missed it.......

I really don't see the need for a debate. It's pretty simple at this point and no further negotiating or argueing is necessary.

We either get our money (2mill at a minimum) back or we continue our onslaught.


For the love of Pete, take it to PM, I read all the threads, and I can honestly say...."geeze I wish I went to blockbuster instead!!!"


I agree with Juno


yes, like I said- I missed it all. I read back through it, and decided that I wanted to put our gang's perspective across also.

We talk in mails also. I'm simply posting this as a rebuttal to Chris's post.
Before I'll lock this thread aswell, seing as Im one of the lucky few hospitalized, I'll share my two dimes, again as not a moderator but as a player. I dont care tbh (short term for "to be honest" sarge) about being hospitalized, that concern went away two months ago when the original gang which we spent 4 months building got destroyed cause someone "just played the game".

And now both sides are just playing the game, for good or bad, roleplaying or not. If its up to me, Elders will hopefully never see that cash again, cause I know that our gang would not in a million years have seen that cash returned if this would have happened the opposite way.

All I can say is, you got the treatment you gave others back.

And saying "if you pay that and that amount we will never declare again", yadda yadda yadda. Like we would believe that fairytale again? 2 gangs disbanded for your amusement have teached us that you wont relent. Again, you get the treatment you give others. Like we will.

Back in the moderator chair.

I know that this topic will only cause alot more flaming in forum, and just incite bad language and anger. Even from people not involved in it. So I hope both sides can keep the flaming to the ingame mails or forum msg's

Cause further threads on this topic will get locked and deleted.
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