I never said we would give it back, I just said stop complaining. You don't want to give it back that is fine, I am OK continuing as we are, which I said above.
uh, yeah complaining. where do you see this complaining now? more lies I guess.
you really have to be kidding me. is this a joke? no one has complained about the attacks.
you know exactly who was involved in the mugging. with all that you go after others that had nothing to do with it. yet even they havent said anything, on the contrary go look at the names in the hospital and see how much they are complaining.
Give it a break your frustrated that finally others have gotten the upper hand.
I told Sarge I feel bad for TripsT I know that is alot of money and its hard to come by in the game.
But Im sure you would have absolutley no remorse taking that from any of us.
On the contrary you would sit back and laugh about it.
Oh and by the way the name of this thread is actually one of the best jokes youve posted.
OK, here is the whole truth so all of AL can know it and not have to hear bits and pieces from whoever...
Angel sent Trips that money which was money we pass around so people can use the Midlan House to train in. She sent it to him when he was offline and he hasn't been back online since. We have no idea what happened to him as he never told us he was going offline. So, fast forward a week and it's obvious Trips isn't coming back. I emailed Zen asking if she could put the money in his bank account since we didn't think he was coming back. I don't know what happened after this, all I know is the money got into his account and then I got a mail from Zen saying she had to take it back out.
So I got home, do my thing, log back on and see that Trips has been mugged by Matt for over 600k. So I kicked him from the gang and did my best to stop Matt from taking more from him. Mr. Fantastic thought he would join in and help Matt mug Trips by hitting me to knock my hit points too low. I did what I could but 3 against 1 is tough and finally ended up hospitalizing Trips and went to bed. By the time I got back on the next morning Sarge was mugging Trips for what little bit Matt didn't take. Come to find out that Matt knew Trips had the money, and he mailed Zen and got her to take the money out of his bank account.
Now, obviously we are upset. We thought that money was going to be kept in his bank account instead of being out there for anyone to take. We didn't complain to Zen however, cause we don't do that. Instead we do what we always do and that's fight back. We decided we would start hospitalizing those involved until they sent us the money back. They offered to send us 800k back, which we felt wasn't enough. We said 1 mil and they turned it down. So we continued.
After that we offered a deal of them sending us 2mil, plus we never war them or any of their gangs again and never attack them again, even offline. They refused so we continued to hospitalize. They countered with 1.2 million and no wars ever, but we didn't like that so we refused. Finally Zen stepped in and said we need to figure this out. So we said 1.5 mil and no wars ever, and they stuck with 1.2 mil, plus 100k from Nighttrain and no wars ever. We came up with 1.5 mil because that was the difference of what it costs to start a 9 person gang, since we deleted theirs a while back.
Finally we decided enough and said we would take the 1.2 million plus the 100k and no wars, and they still said no to that. The one thing they had always been asking for and they still said no. So here we are. We are no longer willing to deal with people who obviously had no intention of dealing in the first place. We decided to hospitalize all of the people involved and those we knew they had ties to in an effort to get them to negotiate. So yes, we are hitting people not involved, I admit that, but we are doing what we feel we need to do. So we came up with this offer for those of you who don't like the fact that you are getting hit and have no say in the negotiations.
There, that is the honest, 100% truth. Make your own judgements.
Nightrain Wrote:Chris
you really have to be kidding me. is this a joke? no one has complained about the attacks.
you know exactly who was involved in the mugging. with all that you go after others that had nothing to do with it. yet even they havent said anything, on the contrary go look at the names in the hospital and see how much they are complaining.
Give it a break your frustrated that finally others have gotten the upper hand.
I told Sarge I feel bad for TripsT I know that is alot of money and its hard to come by in the game.
But Im sure you would have absolutley no remorse taking that from any of us.
On the contrary you would sit back and laugh about it.
Oh and by the way the name of this thread is actually one of the best jokes youve posted.
Actually, you're the only one NOT complaining about the attacks. I wish I had some of Matt's emails saved, not that I could really print them here anyways. And no, you don't have the upper hand, you just have some extra money. Just look at the hospital and you can see who still has the upper hand.

___ :cry:
well for one there is a lie, I have not once complained that I am being hospitalized.
also a few touch-ups to that 100% truth story.
1. There were more people involved in the mugging right from the start, no one "joined in". fFYI, there were plenty of people willing to help with this because the Elders (specifically Chris and Sarge) have made enemies of almost the entire community in AL. those in gangs anyways.
2. We were never really prepared to give you any money back after you turned down our original 800k offer. however Zen politely asked us to try and work something out, only after that did we decide to offer 1 mil, then 1.2 mil, then 1.3 million dollars.
SteelCurtain1979 Wrote:My respect to all parties involved, and I make this comment while being nuetral:
I hope this issue is resolved very soon, it is begining to have a negative effect on the game.
I agree, the fact that the Elders are able to choose who gets to play Awakened Lands and who doesn't is the root of that problem in my opinion.
matt5250 Wrote:SteelCurtain1979 Wrote:My respect to all parties involved, and I make this comment while being nuetral:
I hope this issue is resolved very soon, it is begining to have a negative effect on the game.
I agree, the fact that the Elders are able to choose who gets to play Awakened Lands and who doesn't is the root of that problem in my opinion.
I like how you spin it so that we are the only ones doing anything, as if your mug had nothing do with this. Honestly, you are really good at that.
ok let me let me correct that. we had the upper ths 1 time.
as to the negotiations. I told sarge we were actually working something out that was agrable. the differnce as 300k.
that was until you stepped in.
Now this is the good part as I told you I actually saveed your 1st to message to me ever. Even though I have probably sent you at least 2 hundred during the last months.
Chris [1002]
Sent at: March 21, 2007, 11:19:09 pm
Here's mail #2 for you. 1.55 million for us and we will never war you guys again. Oh, and you will be able to login and play.
Chris [1002] RE:(No Subject)
Sent at: March 21, 2007, 10:36:11 pm
Don't plan on playing tomorrow. Might want to go on vacation until we get 1.5 million.
The one other issue was you demanding to tell you who informed us of the money.
i sent you the mail and sarge letting you know that no one told us. I also explained how it was we figured it out. That info was for free all i got back was a your a liar blah blah.
well of course after 3 days of being sent to the hospital and told you will never play again pretty much puts you in an a hostile mood.
So when you send me another mail saying to pay 1.5 mil yadda yadda my reply to you was simple "NO"