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Full Version: w00k online whaaaaa
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(2010.Feb.03 10:09 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]Fora is actually the correct pluralization. If you try to correct someone, make sure that you're right Wink

correct, but this is a forum. not plural!!!
(2010.Feb.02 10:22 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Well if Batman ever returns you will be owed 300k. All of AL as witness's.

Blow me sucka....i promised that money in the past when i lost my i don't have money in my pocket....

wow.. didnt you quit? yet you still cant miss a day of the forums...


(2010.Feb.03 09:25 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Feb.03 05:50 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]So are you back for good, or is this just a mini return??

I mean, before you left you killed your char with those borgs man, what a waste..... Good job sym pack orange is available now XD

I've been here the whole time, biff. I just changed my name and you tards didn't notice.

im sure theres alot more on here than you know...although it would suck huge to spend alot of cash on a second character....cant see doing it
Well now I'm thoroughly confused. I think my attempt at humor was misunderstood. I was sarcastically trying to say that I changed my name from w00k to something else, and you tards just didn't notice - nothing at all to do with a multi you paranoid mofos.
Does this mean rumspringa is canceled?
(2010.Feb.04 01:00 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]Well now I'm thoroughly confused. I think my attempt at humor was misunderstood. I was sarcastically trying to say that I changed my name from w00k to something else, and you tards just didn't notice - nothing at all to do with a multi you paranoid mofos.

yeah it does make sense you would come back as a multi.... why continue with a kick ass character when you can come back and have newbs hand you your ass on a plate.......

(2010.Feb.04 02:20 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ].......


wow...g2's REAL name on here is Leopard (?). guess you learn something new every day. i thought g2o2d4wp was prettty gay.....but Leopard is off the flame charts. Wink
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