I know this is probably a noob question but how do you improve your intelligence? Do I take the classes or is there anything else I can do?
0. you get a job that gives you intel points - the super-slow way
1. classes - the slow way
2. you transform credits in intelligence points (1 credit = 0.25 intel) - the normal/fast way
Umm how do you get credits...? because if its by donating I'm doomed... I have no money

You can also buy them with game money once you have enough, in the credits market.
I think the best thing you can do at your lvl is be patient and consistent. Keep working the gym, get a job, sign up for a class, and make some money in 1 and 2 pt crimes. As you make the extra money (get your house and weapon first) buy some credits and boost the intelligence. Good things come in time.
I am going to a school to get intelligence but I have yet to get any from it...any ideas why?
You only get the intelligence at the end of the course. And it's not a lot either. Look
here for what you get after completing a course.
hmmmm that works for me....Im getting 40 int for the school im going to...thats a lot for me..since I did just start this game like...2 weeks ago...