$$SAVE$$ MrSmith 30 81 Sent to a personalized hospital room by Sarge?? do you really have an option to do this?? doesnt it just say ____Hospitalized by _____??

In normal cases it does just say Hospitalized..
but in my case i have accured sufficient hospital points that i am now a VIP.
So hence im alloted a private room with a waterbed sa/tv and private care...

Do get XBOX 360 or PS3 as well?
Nope, he get the Nintendo WII...
His private care nurse is Bubba's brother.
Hopefully he is a little more gentle than Bubba,
zenith Wrote:His private care nurse is Bubba's brother.
hey :shock: no one told me that looks like im gonna have leave before my normal discharge time.. or he shows up for a sponge bath
come on... haven't I been hospitalised enough to get my own room?

nope.. plus ur guilty.. i was am being harrassed cause i am cinsidered guilty by association.
that or I think they dont like my posts in the forums or perhaps the 75 emails i sent them last time they did this or maybe they just like me and want me to feel warm and cozzy ..
not sure yet but Im asking Dr.Freeed to evaluate the situation and think he may be sending me a report as to why this is happening.
Once the report is available I wlll open a new thread and post the results..