I am in the midst of making a list of inactives by Level and District to add to the forums so that players will easily find someone to attack without spending tons of time and Money searching each district ...
So far we have got some Downtown, Industrial , Rural , and Midlan ...
We are still looking for inactives in all areas :
Decatur Underground
Decatur Beach
Menciano Arcology
Mail me in the game with any information thanx
ID # 2028
Just want to say thanx to every one who gave me a hand with this list

i hope ppl find it useful
Here is the link
(2010.Jan.22 02:54 PM)G3miniD3vil Wrote: [ -> ]I am in the midst of making a list of inactives by Level and District to add to the forums so that players will easily find someone to attack without spending tons of time and Money searching each district ...
So far we have got Downtown, Industrial , Rural , and Midlan ...
We are still looking for inactives in :
Decatur Underground
Decatur Beach
Menciano Arcology
Mail me in the game with any information thanx
ID # 2028
Hey if its complete enough you should get it on the Wiki
already spoke to the person who takes care of the wiki and it will be in there as well

but thanx for the idea

I have a complete list. But not sure if I want to give out the info in you know what I mean.
(2010.Jan.22 02:54 PM)G3miniD3vil Wrote: [ -> ]I am in the midst of making a list of inactives by Level and District to add to the forums so that players will easily find someone to attack without spending tons of time and Money searching each district ...
So far we have got some Downtown, Industrial , Rural , and Midlan ...
We are still looking for inactives in all areas :
Decatur Underground
Decatur Beach
Menciano Arcology
Mail me in the game with any information thanx
ID # 2028
About two years ago a list was compiled that was about 4 pages long. I'm not Thor so good hunting.
(2010.Jan.22 05:43 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]I have a complete list. But not sure if I want to give out the info in you know what I mean.
not really
I have ids for areas i can not visit if someone in the districts can mail me and let me know if the ppl are still in the district and are still inactive that would be great
23: 9018 midlan
24: 7656 midlan
25: 1242 midlan
27: 5032 midlan
28: 3587 midlan
31: 7139 midlan
37: 3593 midlan
30: 1477 underground
31: 3541 underground
31: 3745 underground
32: 2260 underground