no im just genna sell up and get the nodachi then maybe in a few moneths buy a shog wen my stats are higher

but thanks for the tip
Ahh, shh. Quit pickin' at everything, Brugada. You're gonna get some sores.
yh i know i think if i posted a fightlog with any player he would just oh yeh but everyone knows hes weak so i cant win lol
(2010.Jan.16 12:23 PM)enndees18 Wrote: [ -> ]yh i know i think if i posted a fightlog with any player he would just oh yeh but everyone knows hes weak so i cant win lol
You could always attack Bru.

Yeah, that didnt work so well for him.

(2010.Jan.16 08:12 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, that didnt work so well for him. 
Didn't think that it would. Thus the wink lol
Thus my wink back. No homo.

<-----No homo again.

(2010.Jan.16 08:21 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Thus my wink back. No homo.
<-----No homo again. 
I'm not gay, and I think that Vip3r is taken. lol