By far the friendliest and nicest player over level 50. Great job!
i am pretty late, but congrats nontheless

(2010.Jan.18 06:32 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]By far the friendliest and nicest player over level 50. Great job!
not sayin much for your own prez there brug!
Gratz Pop!! our second lvl 50 xD
(2010.Jan.16 08:28 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Grats! Too bad I can't send you a beer or a shot or remove a borg or two for you. 
thanks for your whining sister, very proactive.
(2010.Feb.19 04:40 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jan.16 08:28 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Grats! Too bad I can't send you a beer or a shot or remove a borg or two for you. 
thanks for your whining sister, very proactive.
Don't insult sister like that!
lol thanks again everyone