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Full Version: Gang Loyalty Bonus
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Pages: 1 2
moriarty, yes. not sure about dingo yet. i wish X had told me he came swinging a wet noodle.

Member- Attacks- Damage- AP Spent- Best Hit

Dingus--- 4--67---- 36--- 28
(2010.Jan.06 06:51 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]moriarty, yes. not sure about dingo yet. i wish X had told me he came swinging a wet noodle.

Member- Attacks- Damage- AP Spent- Best Hit

Dingus--- 4--67---- 36--- 28

at his age it takes "miracles of medicine" to get him hard
(2010.Jan.06 06:31 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]off the topic but i don't care (i roll like that). when does gcb actually kick in?

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I think GCB is 30 days Bird I could be wrong... I would confirm through that link but it Doesn't work...

We need Thor cause I am lazy...
i dont think it takes that long.

This is what he was trying to post but it still never answers the question though zen was asked...

Someone may want to point her to this thread to get the GCB defined
it used to be right when you joined, but i was told that its delayed now to prevent gang hopping for bonuses...could be wrong though
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