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Full Version: Minimum CP's Earned per hour worked
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I think that the minimum should be whatever your level of career is... this just seems like BS to me:

No one likes working on the weekends. For your efforts, each hour over 4 in a day on Saturday or Sunday gets credit as if it was an overtime hour in terms of wages and career points.

You work yourself to the bone for an hour and earn $36 plus 3 points. You also have earned 11 experience points.

I'm level 7.

What do you guys think?
Every other level you raise your minimum increases by 1. So at level 7 your minimum is 3, and at level 9 your minimum is 4.
(2010.Jan.03 09:31 AM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Every other level you raise your minimum increases by 1. So at level 7 your minimum is 3, and at level 9 your minimum is 4.

Thanks. I did not know that. Def good info to have.

However... That was not the point of the post. I was wondering if people thought that is too low?
I agree that its low, but you can get up to 14-15 points an hour also? So it evens out eventually.
Well what is the max then? I'm lvl 8 in my career and I think the most I've earned is 24 or so. Thats x3 my lvl, shouldn't the minimum be your lvl/3?
(2010.Jan.03 04:10 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]I agree that its low, but you can get up to 14-15 points an hour also? So it evens out eventually.

Yeah... it does. Overtime on weekends I've get over 20 sometimes. As with everything - AL will balance it out eventually. Just silly to see a "3" pop up sometimes.
my most for an overtime on a weekend i believ is 37, it could be 38, but i doubt it. i'm rarely getting below 9 or 10 for normal hours
(2010.Jan.03 06:06 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]my most for an overtime on a weekend i believ is 37, it could be 38, but i doubt it. i'm rarely getting below 9 or 10 for normal hours

What level career are you?
The higher the level of career, the higher amount of career points you get. I have level 16 and I get some good career points, Angelrinoa who has level 22 career gets about 300 per day while I get around 200 per day. The career points are all random, just like everything else. Get higher in level and you will find the points go up remarkably.
im level 16. its not really worth it tbqh
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