Apolgies for all the people who were hurt by this post....cept for you chris cuz i dont care whether i offend you or not...
But everyone else i am ver sorry i didn't think when i posted this.
It happens, everyone gets there own back.
well actually, there is a good chance that marvels can disband the Vikings.
Vikings cannot gain respect from the Marvel gang. So only thing they can do is to hospitalize the marvels and hope that marvels doesnt get too mug the level 7 they have in the gang 118times. although thats almost possible to do within 24 hours, since muggings only send people to hospital for 10mins.
There's our plan down the drain.

u all dont understand. the real reason the vikings are attacking is cause the last time chris and sarge bathed together sarge farted and sank the rubber ducky.
now they need the icash for a new ducky and to replace the bathroom tiles that started to peel from Sarges fart
Very very disturbing.....
nah, I think they need to compensate for something in reality....
Which brings me to my next point....Dont smoke crack!!
4:37:20 pm Chris hospitalized you
Hmm...think that last post made him a little mad....which can only mean 1 thing....
People of AL...we have uncovered the truth about Chris...

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Made me write that,,, wasnt me wasnt me he forced me to do it
"dang it looked so much better when i did it.. its suppose to be an arrow pointing up saying Ajax made me do it..
Thats gonna take me a while to figure out what in the ....... that is lol....
Quote: I know im getting in drek ( dont wanna swear again ) for this one but Chris reminds me of Micheal jackson...always going after the little guys. hahahahahahahaha
Comments like that are uncalled for, some are funny but that is in some very bad taste