You pound BEZALEEL to a bloody pulp. Your blood lust isn't quenched however, and you continue to pulverize your opponent until exhausted. After catching your breath you stagger off.
Experience Earned : 0
Hospitalization Time : 50
Do Work Zen........ That's Ridiculous.
You're retarded. Disappear again, please.
There's these things called stats. Typically you want to work them.

(2010.Jan.02 01:00 AM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]There's these things called stats. Typically you want to work them. 
(2010.Jan.02 01:00 AM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]There's these things called stats. Typically you want to work them. 
You could probably take that kid without armor and with a weapon 2 or 3 classes under your current weapon with a leave or, dare I say, a hosp. Don't see why he's complaining about a zerk when he was dumb enough to use it instead of a hosp on a player near the scale of weakness next to Monalisa and bountyhunter.
I would like to see that............and proof....
Just bc you're a mod, who doesn't still understand the mechanics and tricks, and the works of the game, doesn't mean you need to spam up the forums with your ignorance.
Someone please mod his waste of space with posting dribble.
Once you learn how the game works, then maybe post something useful to the community. Til then, do us all a favor, and stfu!
4468 SV Chance 45 222 Brutalized by WRAITHLORD.
(2010.Jan.02 08:27 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]Just bc you're a mod, who doesn't still understand the mechanics and tricks, and the works of the game, doesn't mean you need to spam up the forums with your ignorance.
Someone please mod his waste of space with posting dribble.
Once you learn how the game works, then maybe post something useful to the community. Til then, do us all a favor, and stfu!
mod bashing is so 2009