Be allowed to make another character. It would cost 10 Humanity. Can only be used once. Would bring more competition. More donating.
The new Character wouldn't be allowed in the same gang as you. Nor would they be able to receive items from you.
I know Zenith has thought about it before.
Not worth 10 humanity. Just go ahead and create a second account. Dingus has and Zen doesn't really care.
There are enough multi accounts here without have any more.

(2009.Dec.30 05:39 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]There are enough multi accounts here without have any more. 
Ditto. why confuse things more. When all we really need is a virtual beer?
(2009.Dec.30 07:55 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.30 05:39 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]There are enough multi accounts here without have any more. 
Ditto. why confuse things more. When all we really need is a virtual beer?
That was most definitely subtle.
terrible idea. in other words, "i want to make more money than i currently am, and the only good attribute i have is humanity, which is currently at level 12, so take 10 away and maybe i can compete!"
this will never happen, ever. the one possibility that WAS good was the idea that when you hit level 100 you can start back at level 1 with your full stats, and maybe a bonus to humanity or something of that nature, or with some other interesting bonuses.
(2009.Dec.30 05:24 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]Not worth 10 humanity. Just go ahead and create a second account. Dingus has and Zen doesn't really care.
After my 4th account she told me to chill, get your facts straight buddy!
(2009.Dec.30 04:20 PM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]Be allowed to make another character. It would cost 10 Humanity. Can only be used once. Would bring more competition. More donating.
The new Character wouldn't be allowed in the same gang as you. Nor would they be able to receive items from you.
I know Zenith has thought about it before.
you're weak as it is. why would you want to spend time training a 2nd char when the one you have still needs lots of work?