You pound ditallica to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 138
you need some attention too pornking
oh look she gets up set when people tell her the truth and she likes to suck on sticks well boooooooooooooooooooo sister
hey sister, how come you hosp little guys when they tell you they are annoyed but when other people told you in your thread it was a bit excessive you didnt hosp them....maybe its just cuz you couldnt, i cant remember who said it was annoying....
Maybe it's because I have a cold and they are picking on me OR Just maybe I like spanking little rude boys. Back off me please.
(2009.Dec.30 12:40 AM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]im pretty sure i described my problem in the above statement.
Let me know if you need some stims if it happens again.
Hard enough finding people my age on here sticking around; hosping them doesn't seem the most intelligent decision, even if perhaps deserved (although this one really wasn't). I've been called a lot of things in RL as many of us have at some point in our lives when things get a little heated; never once did I give a damn.
she picks on little people because she stronger then they and they cant fight back and she knows it theres no victory in it at all. fight some one your own size and see what happens and yes we are rude and proud of it
thanks d i just say it how i see it thats all
Didn't I tell you to go lick a stick pornking? I'm feeling better today, thanks for asking.