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Full Version: Candy Cane prices
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ill buy all i can at 15k if anyone wants to sell
I ate my whole 1 candy cane.

And damn it feels good.
common any more takers

buying bulk
16k.........I buy in bulk.......
(2009.Dec.26 08:26 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]16k.........I buy in bulk.......

You really think you can beat Pun?

Now that's your biggest fail.
I beat everyone when I apply myself.............17k

Fail is only for those who quit.............Pffft............
i think these things should be worth more than they are selling for even with the random factor...
(2009.Dec.26 09:01 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]i think these things should be worth more than they are selling for even with the random factor...

+1 ghoulache sold for 50K when it first came out
they are so tasty....loving them...anyone else?
(2009.Dec.26 09:03 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.26 09:01 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]i think these things should be worth more than they are selling for even with the random factor...

+1 ghoulache sold for 50K when it first came out

I sold my first ghoulache for a B4C armor and 250K the moment we got ghoulache. Thanks you nameless player in 7 laws.... Twisted I recently sold my last 15 ghoulache for 75k a piece. These candy canes should be going for WAY more than 17k. Minimum 50+k a pop. 75k a pop IMO.
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