Way to go Snake!!!
1 ^V^ SnakePlissken 7,375 2,502 130
2 SP^CE nughuffer 8,618 2,415 123
3 }DIS{ AteStarCookies 6,373 2,456 115
4 SP^CE spacebird 7,996 2,287 114
5 *WOLF* MrJones 11,449 2,314 109
6 }DIS{ ClosedCasket 4,591 1,827 103
Well done Snake!
And well done to MrJones for facing an entire army of elves!! ha ha!
p.s. hope everyone had a great xmas.
Good job, all. Glad to see that your turkey and mulled wine saturated brains could still click the buttons

I think this was the worst contest ever.
Here is why.
319 S}{WL EastStar 131 25 0
Not even 1 Candiecane
(2009.Dec.26 06:53 AM)Nightwind Wrote: [ -> ]I think this was the worst contest ever.
Here is why.
319 S}{WL EastStar 131 25 0
Not even 1 Candiecane
Nah a worse one is here
323 we52meat PicnicsAnonymous 205 59 0
congrats snake! nugs and cookie should've gotten tags too...
WTG man! Those are some great percentages.
mrjones should get a tag for facing 10k elves, seriously
Thanks everyone!!! The best prize is that I am still married and my kids are talking to me!!!!! I finally come out on top for once and no unique? ( I did get one for the turkey shoot though) I guess that is just my luck.

I am glad that everyone gets to keep the candy canes.