Seriously, have some consideration for the guys in the UK or elsewhere please when deciding to hold these comp's.
A 24 hour warning would be good for a start. I was up till 2am Uk time and there was no announcement then, but low and behold I wake up and every other Us citizen has been forwarned and has the headstart.
No point trying for any tags if your from the Uk, unless you want to try and donate.
Rant over.
Yeah..There wasn't a forewarning.
I dropped all my ep attacking people before I saw that there was a comp. So I'm going to bitch too, I am 3 attacks behind everyone else, please give me a special weapon out of pitty Zen!
I was hard at work and decided to do skills then I noticed the comp,,,I am behind on attacks but I am averaging nice numbers! I left work early to focus,,,lol
I claimed to have the splats! Lol
now I am drinking egnogg and brandy to the point I cannot hardly spell dong!
Has there always been a Christmas Eve comp, or is there no Christmas comp this year?
Never seen an eve one before, its why this sucks even more. No offense meant, the comp is a nice idea and well recieved, but, not forwarning anyone hurts the Uk players really hard. Give us a bit of notice, out of respect for us at the least. Either that or give us our lost energy, (Yeah right)
Shame really. My family is leaving at 7am tomorrow, so I was looking forward to a Christmas comp...hopefully there still is one.
I do agree with advanced notice for a competition, especially if it falls on an unusual date compared to the past. The point of the competitions is to have fun and skip the normal "click, train" pattern, but if you come into it without even the chance to win, it kinda takes the fun out of it right from the get-go. At least for any competitors in this game.
shrug, it made sense to me

i have to work today, and i'm sure a lot of others do too. now hopefully some of you will actually SEE your family tomorrow instead of attaching the phone to your hip. get back to training every 35 minutes instead of contests every 12