Ive noticed that ever since i started awakened lands, the time it takes for my action points to rebuilt has increased. Is there any way to speed up the process.


Are you a donator? They increase faster if you are a donator

blade101 Wrote:Ive noticed that ever since i started awakened lands, the time it takes for my action points to rebuilt has increased. Is there any way to speed up the process.
It hasn't increased since you started. It hasn't changed at all. In fact, the higher your maximum action points, the more points you tend to gain every refresh.
Action points refresh plenty quick. Like Tobith said, if you are a donator they refresh even faster.
When ive used up all my action points, and i stay on the homepage they dont seem to go up, does that actually happen or is it just me :?: :roll: :roll:
blade101 Wrote:When ive used up all my action points, and i stay on the homepage they dont seem to go up, does that actually happen or is it just me :?: :roll: :roll:
Are you refreshing the page?
mine go up 2 every 5 mins, it increses as u go up in lvl right...
They go up a percentage yes.
i dont refresh pages, they dont go up when you are on the homepage. i ran out of action point and i went away for 10 minutes and when i come back i still had no action points. when i do run out i either logout or read the forums.