Has anyone got the "Extra exp" message lately. I have been put into critical a couple times today, and no extra exp for me. Has the criteria changed (i.e. you have to be put into the "Near Death" range) or has it been eliminated entirely?
I've gotten it a couple times today
(2009.Dec.21 06:03 PM)BlackHand Wrote: [ -> ]I've gotten it a couple times today
What was your final health?
Hit them while YOU are in fair. I tend to get it more when Im not full.
I dunno. I was on my phone.
(2009.Dec.21 06:14 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Hit them while YOU are in fair. I tend to get it more when Im not full.
I have gotten it quite a few time today. One was for 299 though, not even worth it.
Just got one. Left in critical. 108 hp.

i've gotten quite a few today, without being left in critical.