close the thread , hell i just got started.
sure you don,t want to borrow one?

(2009.Dec.21 09:05 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]fn nero
Is Nero a new insult? I'm not getting the implication?
nero was full of vd as he watched rome burn to the ground damn liberal
You trying to make me hurt you? Hell no your coming home for christmas. And you can win me a freaking tag while your here. HA!
didnt the original jinx sell his account
No thats him.

The one with three tags!
yes that is your tag, right there. lmfao
You've been saving that one for awhile ain't ya? Say goodnight to the folks.
See right here. If I had a beer to send you.......
well of course sis lmfao

hum need some nimbus? I just can't hit you in serious. Just don't seem right. LOL