I think we should have an Awakened Lands bar to mingle and relax a little. Drinks could be $3-5. After a few drinks you'll be easier to attack. After 6 or 7 drinks you start randomly buying drinks for other people at the bar. After 12-15 drinks the game makes you start attacking people of random levels. And after 20+ drinks the game goes black for a while and if you're lucky you wake up in bed with someone of the opposite sex and no energy. If you're unlucky, in jail with no money or action points.
I don't get it, what are the possible benefits?
No benefits (unless of course you mug someone while in your stooper). Just something to do while waiting to reenergize and to keep me occupied so I stop posting these rediculous threads.
so we're supposed to spend money doing nothing with possible bad outcomes? why not just skip out to another site and play a flash game for a while? or is this supposed to be like a live chat thing, in that case I could see people using it.
um... what are the benefits of going to a bar in real life? exactly. but we go do it anyway. lets have one here too

/stands outside protesting in support of Prohibition
lmao, I like it! Not everything in the game has to be worthwhile!
I can see a lot of people playing the game drunk IRL, and then deciding it'd be hilarious to see how raging drunk they can get, and brag about it in forums.
Maybe endurance can increase the amount of alcohol you can hold? Then we can get real bragging rights on who's the alcohol king!
They buy a few drinks, there vision goes to drek, Hawk187 has blood alcohol level of 1.9 I take my best shot and hit myself for 458 damage, but I resist 10 for 448.
exactly... how funny would that be!! Totally pointless, but very hilarious! You could have a drinking war with someone, then fight them!
Maybe to give it a benefit, if you manage to beat someone whilst drunk, you get more experience, depending on just how drunk you are. The more drunk you are, the more you miss, and the easier you are to get hit- i.e, reduction in accuracy and dexterity.
the effect could be that all your letters get hooked up to a random letter generator and you have like a 1/2 chance that the letter will be a different one to the one that you were trying to write but it gets worse and worse the more you drink lol si thme yow tying tw wripe byt pwople cnta uedrasntand ywu