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Full Version: Happy Holidays from the AL staff
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Quote:This week we've thrown a little bonus for certain donations. Enjoy!

Quote:The ALC4P (AL Credits 4 Players) program has received plenty of donations this holiday season to provide for those in the XMas spirit. From now until the end of the 25th all $10/$20/$100 donations that clear during this time will receive a bonus listed below. Merry XMas!
the 100 donation gives a pretty hefty bonus, extra 20 spot...i'd be pissed if i was someone who donated more than 5 bucks yesterday lol


I'd be pretty surprised if those who have donated heavily in the past aren't pretty miffed by this.


not at all. i donated 100 a few days back and it doesnt bother me in the least - as a matter of fact, im going to take advantage of this and do another 100


(2009.Dec.16 06:41 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]stimulus package!!!

get it guys...STIM-ulus!!! hahahahaha

LMFAO!!!! It didn't get veto'd.

OH damn I need to wake up before I post. This isn't stims at all is it? Sad
(2009.Dec.21 06:10 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.16 06:41 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]stimulus package!!!

get it guys...STIM-ulus!!! hahahahaha

LMFAO!!!! It didn't get veto'd.

OH damn I need to wake up before I post. This isn't stims at all is it? Sad

No. It's not
More bonus the merrier!
I can't afford to donate, but I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to whoever of my refs did. lol
I know what you can do for extra money Winky
Woulda been nice if we started this like 2 days ago.
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