(2009.Dec.19 12:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]now wraithlord, in all his infinite wisdom, jumps on the bandwagon by closing a thread that had been circulating for weeks because of an off color post on one of the first few pages.
Not only that but quoted what was said, if he only saw it and didnt think it was within the rules edit it, delete it not post again saying the same thing and now "inappropriate" it is to bring it to the top then lock it. You would almost think he wanted it to be seen

(2009.Dec.19 02:38 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.19 01:34 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]You do realize that in a years time the forum activity seems to have dropped quite a bit. What is the cause of that? Can it be that most people hang out in offsite forums dedicated to their gang, or most people aren't that into the idea of spending time in forum. Or can it be that people stops writing in forum after bad experiences of being bitten off and cursed at or attacked ingame for their posts, and then stop trying to post.
maybe its because there are 50% less people playing this game now, genius.
Showing users 1 to 100 of 925. Close to same amount it has been for the past 2 years.
(players ingame tommi)
Active? Didn't know that many people have posted.
(2009.Dec.19 12:44 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.19 12:39 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.19 12:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]you've got john wayne (druchii) coming in after months of inactivity to police the forums. wow, wonderful...i guess he hasn't noticed the profanities have increased since his crusade began with the "reminder" thread. gee, i wonder why he wouldn't notice it??? maybe cause he was inactive for so long and only came out of hiding to take on this awesome mission. now wraithlord, in all his infinite wisdom, jumps on the bandwagon by closing a thread that had been circulating for weeks because of an off color post on one of the first few pages. you people are so damn stupid it's not funny.
The FFF (forum fun factor) dropped 93.6% since Dru came back.

Have the mods even asked those players who are being picked on, if they mind it? Or are you guys assuming that the player needs protecting?
Cause from where I am sitting weak, average or strong players rise to the challenge of the forums. They don't want to be protected.
i dont wanna be protected, if i dig myself a hole, i probably meant too lol
(2009.Dec.19 03:30 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Have the mods even asked those players who are being picked on, if they mind it? Or are you guys assuming that the player needs protecting?
Cause from where I am sitting weak, average or strong players rise to the challenge of the forums. They don't want to be protected.
Good question actually. Myself I differ on it, in some cases the player might encourage people to go into a battle of words, who gets the best insult in and so on. The threads I will actively stop is the threads where 5 or more people will just belittle and harass 1 player that can't really defend himself.
Now I know that many of you are grown up people that can take the verbal abuse, but I will give the same courtesy to everyone. However if the person being bashed wants the thread to stay open, well then he is in his right to get it unlocked.
As long as language is kept clean.
I would be interested to see how many people even use the forums anymore...
There are ways to increase the forum participation for Zenith, but then it would be easier to maintain that participation if the forum is a friendlier place to be.
In my opinion, yes there are some things that should be deleted, however, there are things that shouldn't be deleted. It seems to me like things that SHOULD be deleted are being left, and when people are having fun joking around, some of the mods take it way to serious, and delete a whole thread over one comment..
Just my thoughts on the subject...